A possible scenario for

the raise to power of the Beast!


The raise to power of the Beast is described in the book of Revelation but most of the people will disregard it, considering this event as a completely unreal fiction.


Meanwhile, any neutral observer paying an in-depth attention on worldwide events should be in a position to discover easily and with minimum doubt the possible tactic that could be used by the Beast to reach his goal by getting the worldwide power. But once he will receive this power, the world should also be ready to face the catastrophic consequences of his ill-fated domination.


In the following pages, I will try to help you to discover this possible scenario while always linking it with the scriptures in the Bible, the essential source of my inspiration.


The four horsemen of the Apocalypse.


During the last 25 years, the four horsemen mentioned in the Apocalypse are all very active.

The one on the white horse, a symbol for the revival of the interrupted series of powers personifying the beast, received his crown and his marching orders; he is now riding to go from victory to victory. Indeed, this event occurred in November 1982 when pope John-Paul II from "Saint James of Compostelle" instructed Europe to revive its roots and, if possible, to recover its mission of lighthouse of the world, as used to be the Beast during its previous life in the Antiquity.

Europe has become accordingly the seventh head of the Beast carrying Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots. In Revelation 17:10, John, who was living under the domination of the Roman Empire, the sixth head of the Beast, understood that at the time of the seventh head, very few time will be left before the end.

Europe, for the first time in its history has acquired undeniably a worldwide power: no worldwide decision is taken without Europe's consultations. And Europe is now paving step by step the way of the Beast himself. Indeed, if we read Revelation 17, the raise to power of the Beast, a symbol for the eighth and last power of this world, will mark the short apogee of the power of the Devil on earth. The Devil's absolute reign will come just before the second and powerful coming of the Lord of the lords, Jesus-Christ.


The second horseman sitting on the red horse is also very busy with his successful mission to take peace from the earth. Indeed many conflicts are occurring everywhere on earth. Western countries are or have been involved in several wars like in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, in the ex-Yugoslavia and more recently in Georgia. In Africa, we read everyday in the news about local wars and internal revolution with many people killed under very cruel conditions: in Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, Kenya, Nigeria, Chad Republic, Congo, Zaire, Rwanda-Burundi with approximately 1 million people killed in horrible conditions, Zimbabwe and South Africa. In Asia and in the Pacific Rim, violence is spreading itself in countries like Sri-Lanka, Philippines, Timor, Cambodia with more than 1 million people killed during the last few decades, Thailand, Tibet, Bangladesh without forgetting already above mentioned countries.

The Middle-East is not excepted with the conflict between Israel, the Palestinians and other Arab countries which are so many shelters for terrorists, Lebanon, conflict between the Turkey and the Kurds. In Central and South America, fighting's are taking place in Mexico, Haiti, Nicaragua, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina and Venezuela. In North-America like in many other western countries, violence's is common in the center of big cities where youngsters are burning cars, destroying public places, threatening the weaker like old people, women are often raped, children are victims of pedophilia without forgetting many serial killers.


Today, we have seen the entrance on the stage of the third horseman riding the black horse as indeed starvation has started to knock many territories on earth as food start to be scarce and very expensive. And unfortunately too many human beings are now living in cities without any piece of land to make gardening.


The fourth and last pale horse will finally appear that will end the work of the three first ones by bringing death and killing the one fourth of the human being. Death will not only come from the revival of the Beast, from wars and starvation but will also come from earthquakes, flooding, epidemics, eruptions of volcanoes. The 2004 tsunami with "only" few hundreds of thousands people killed will be nothing compared with what we must expect with the coming pale horse that will kill more than 1 milliard human beings!


Human beings will become very rare on earth.


These numbers are frightening but this is what the Bible is telling us and we are and will unfortunately be the most active species that will cause the extinction of the human race. Jesus was right to compare the end time with the period just before the flood of Noah that took all the people away, except Noah and the five members of his family:


"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."


In several other places from the Bible, mention is made about the high toll in human lives that will be taken in the end time:

1.    "And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir." (Isaiah 13:11-12).

2.    " And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of earth." (Revelation 6:8).

3.    " And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter." (Revelation 8:11).

4.    "And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men." (Revelation 9:15).


It is important for any careful reader to understand as much as possible the dramatic conditions we are all facing in order to take the right decision: to repent while being ready for a well deserved but relatively short punishment or to stubbornly sink into a dead end with as bitter outcome death.


The raise to power of the Beast.


In many places in the Bible, the Lord Jesus-Christ who is by the way also the lawyer defending the case of the human race, is encouraging human beings to stay awake and to observe very carefully all the events occurring in the world in order to forecast as soon as possible how they will proceed so that we can behave consequently and take to good decisions for our lives.

It is for instance vital for anyone to know how to react once the Beast will rise to power in order to not follow blindly the majority of the world who will admire and worship him, like it occurred for most of the German and Hitler!

The Bible is giving us solemn warnings about the attitude to have vis-à-vis the Beast:

·       Don't worship him

·       Don't accept his mark

·       Don't receive the number of his name, 666

It is consequently extremely important to detect as soon as possible the processing steps that will be used by the Beast to receive the plebiscite from the majority of the world (Revelation 13: 3-4).

The reign of the Beast, that will be fortunately very short, will only reach its full power once the Beast and his allies, full of hatred, will have killed in a very violent way the whore, alias Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth. Indeed the Beast and his series of heads bore with a great hatred her power and will have only one goal:  to strip her from everything and destroy her completely. (Revelation 17: 16-18).

We must have in mind that the power of the eighth king (Revelation 17:11) will be worldwide and not local. The Beast (eighth king) will receive all this huge power thanks to all the deceiving schemes organized not only by the Best himself, but also by the false prophet et his servants. The Beast will also make use of his armies, but non only; he will also support many groups of activists acting efficiently and freely everywhere in the world in order to undermine any opposition.


The Commission on a Global Governance, its German roots and late Professor Kurt Biedenkopf.


This might be the time for the prestigious Commission on Global Governance (CGG) to come on stage. Governance (Ordnungspolitik in German) means management of various fields dealing with individuals as well as private and public institutions. The aim of Global Governance is to spread its power of its membership all over the world.

CGG started in the early nineties under the initiative of German politicians including the former chancellor Willy Brandt with the "Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden" (SEF meaning the Development and Peace Foundation) and a famous Professor bearing the fearsome name of Kurt Biedenkopf. Both of them passed away but late Professor Kurt Biedenkopf was not only fearsome for his name but also by the past of his family and the family of his present wife. His father, a leader of the Nazi party, deeply linked with the elimination of the Jews but only after having pressed all the juice of his people: he was Technical Manager of the BUNA factory. The past of his father in law, Dr. Frietz Ries was even worse, as he spoliated factories from the Jews and doing so built his wealth. Many Jewish women and girls were slaves in his factories and "contributed" to increase his fortune before being sent to death once completely exhausted by the horrible conditions of work imposed on them.

But these are not the only reasons why late Professor Biedenkopf and his second wife, Ingrid Riess  were fearsome people: after WWII, Dr. Fritz Ries built a diabolical stratagem to be considered by the Allies as a poor refugee who was despoiled by the Communist Army! So-doing, he could rebuild his treasure of war using it to support the studies and the spectacular raise to power of Kurt Biedenkopf. For more details about this, go and read the relevant chapter of article of Ulrich Rippert *"Germany: behind the ultra-right provocation in Saxony's parliament".

In his book "Ganz unten", which means completely downstairs, published in 1985, the author and journalist Günter Wallraff, mentions the participation of Kurt Biedenkopf as a guest of honor at a meeting organized by the German extreme right with a tendency to support fascism.


More recently, Janet Biehl and Peter Staudenmaier denounced the danger of what they call "Ecofascism" and Janet Biehl revealed that one of their German sympathizer is no one else than late Professor Kurt Biedenkopf:


In the same chapter " "Ecology" and the Modernization of Fascism in the German Ultra-right", Janet Biehl is mentioning the good friendship between Kurt Biedenkopf and Professor Rudolf Bahro. Rudolf Bahro, who passed away but was in the eighties a frightening intellectual leader of the Green  as he was supporting the establishment of a new authoritarian and absolute power with a dangerous pagan religious background that fits strangely with the description made by John in the book of Revelation about the Beast rising up out the sea to rule the world as king of ten kings. This Beast will indeed receive the religious support of the unique god of this world, I mean Satan and he will build a court for his oligarchy of ten kings to impose his absolute religious power over the whole world. Rudolf Bahro is calling this elite on one hand "Rettungsregierung" which stands for salvation government or on the other hand "Gottestaat", god state!

These are few of the reasons why the ideas of late Professor Kurt Biedenkopf and his followers are fearsome while we are approaching the end times.


NGOS, an essential tool in the ongoing strategy put in place to get power via the Commission on Global Governance (CGG).


Let us explore now the activities of the CGG and the reasons behind them. The first target of the CGG is to palliate the numerous today's weaknesses of the United Nations unable to face the problems caused by the globalization. Indeed, all the governments of the democratic nations are only taking local decisions on a short term and to maintain themselves 

in good positions in the opinion polls. The CGG on the contrary wants to impose its point of view above the nations and about the cultural values of human beings. In order to reach this goal, the CGG is encouraging the very intensive use of the approximately 29,000 NGOs existing today all over the world: few examples of these NGOs are Friend of Earth, Greenpeace, WWF, Gaia et al. Most of them have deep roots in paganism with the worshipping of nature as already discussed earlier while mentioning the Professor Bahro's philosophy and his friendship with Professor Biedenkopf.

The CGG will use these NGOs to apply pressure and force all the nations to submit themselves to its non-democratic power. And the CGG is expected to succeed as the local authorities are much more concerned by their position than ruling for the good of their people. NGOs are mastermind in the manipulation of public opinion via their propaganda and they have most probably learned a lot from one of the most famous guru in this field, I mean Dr. Paul Joseph Göbbels, the famous Propaganda Minister of Hitler. They know indeed how to create scandals and are experts to manipulate the news channels, the newspapers, TV and radios. All these channels are by the way eager to work hand in hand with them as usually breaking and scandalous news are unfortunately the best way to get high audience ratings and money.

Another advantageous reason for the CGG to make as much as possible use of NGOs is that they are not expensive as their manpower is usually for free and composed by indoctrinated people acting for an ideal. Their indoctrinement is made so professionally and so successfully that most of these people are unable to question anymore their belief and to change their mind! Moreover, all these faithful servants of the NGOs have the feeling that they have been empowered to accomplish a religious or moral mission to save mankind and the nature. One day, they might become also like those missionaries of the inquisition, cruel  and torturing killers of those who are not surrounding themselves to their will.

Indeed, the CGG is hiding very cleverly their real plans to establish a strong domination all over the world while they are only claiming to the NGOs that they are working for a more peaceful environment, for more justice and tolerance, for a better life for the coming generations.


The CGG is worshipping Mammon, the god of silver and gold…


As we will see now, the numerous NGOs servants are not enough for the huge appetite of the CGG. Indeed, in their report "Our Global Neighborhood", published in 1995 by the Oxford University Press, the CGG made a series of recommendations in order to spread its authority in the frame of the United nations.




As we should expect from a potential organization working for the Price of this world, the Devil, a very first recommendation is to take from the people and not to give. The CGG is indeed asking for money on a worldwide scale for their own needs and the needs of the United Nations. By making this request, the CGG is showing that they have chosen their god, Mammon and not Elohim in the name of whom Jesus-Christ came to announce the Good News of His future kingdom.

The Devil, the lord of this world, is not happy with the already organized huge system of income taxes his governments are collecting, mostly in the still rich western world. The people are indeed invited to pay already today:

·       Local taxes in cities and villages for their authorities

·       In some countries, taxes are also collected for the regions

·       Taxes are also for the States to allow often high expenses of the local Parliament members to support their luxurious way of life!

·       Finally, you are also often asked to pay taxes for Union of States like in the US or in Europe, and often these representatives have very high income and are tax exempted…..

·       But this will not be enough for the greedy CGG that wants more and more and will introduce a new additional tax on a worldwide basis!

It is worthwhile to note that all the money collected by the various authorities, did not contribute to a better life, on the contrary, as mentioned earlier, starvation, wars, violence's, crimes, sickness and plagues are growing and growing. Too often, the people in charge are not happy with what they get and they are steeling money or using of their power to take unjustified decisions.


…Next, the CGG will ask for a permanent Military Army.


This second recommendation is also threatening as it means a supranational army well equipped and well trained acting everywhere in the world according to the need of the CGG Management.


Finally, the CGG will control all the commercial exchanges in the world.


Indeed, the CGG wants the creation of a new Economic Security Council (ESC) having authority over both the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO).

ESC would have no more than 23 members and would define the long term economic strategy for the world. His major concern will be a sustainable development protecting the environment.

It also forecasted that the ESC would take over the management of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to consolidate and centralize the worldwide monetary system. With this in mind, it would also organize the movement of the migrating people, the slaves of our time, and it sounds very similar to what was done by the empires in the antiquity which also brought slaves from all over the world to fulfill their needs. All these activities would be accomplished with the precious support of the NGOs.


But isn't it precisely what was mentioning John in the book of Revelation?


If you read attentively chapter 13 of the book of Revelation comparing its content with what is written above, wouldn't this ring a bell? Shouldn't we be  and stay awake while the members of the Commission on a Global Governance are working so hard to come into power.

Why should be stay awake? Because we should expect that the CGG with the support of the false propaganda cleverly conducted by the Devil who is manipulating many NGOs under the leadership of the so-called "Greens", will bring to power the Beast. A large majority of the world will worship the Beast in a similar way as Germany worshipped Hitler in the 30ies.

The most famous antechrist [note: in the original text in Greek: it is written ante-Christ (in place of Christ) and not anti-Christ (against Christ) and both names have a completely different meaning], the Vicar of Christ (in place of Christ) will also invest all his efforts to deceive more and more the world and consequently give more power to the myth of the Beast. He will also do this via staggering miracles using for that the power of the Devil. This antechrist will convince the world to kill and exterminate most of the believers.

Another mission of the antechrist will be the back up the Beast in order to submit all the world economies to the worshipping of the Beast while forcing the people to bear the mark, the name or the number of the Beast as a condition for trading goods!

In chapter 17 of the book of Revelation, it is written that the Beast will be surrounded by a series of kings and he will be their king of kings. This description seems to show that worldwide authorities would apply the recommendations made by late Professor Bahro, who was the guru of the German Greens and close friend of the fearsome Kurt Biedenkopf. Another posthumous achievement of Professor Bahro could be the ongoing trend to worship nature, diverting people from their Father and Lord. It worthwhile to observe that many sympathizers of the environmentalists are among those who participate to all these Celtic feasts, trying to revive many pagan traditions: for instance many politician feasts are organized in many countries being opportunities to worship the sun and light fires.

By the way, I am inviting you to click on the following the link to see and listen the speech delivered by Constance Cumbey about the New Age. You will be in a position to hear what she says about one of the pillar of the New Age, the Friends of Earth who are even worshipping the Devil, "their savior":



It for those people that Paul wrote Romans 1:22-27 as a warning:

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet"

But for those who will see in advance and understand what is going on, there will be no deceit, on the opposite, they will be blessed as confirmed by verse 3 of chapter 1 in the book of Revelation:

"Blessed is he that readeth, and that they hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand."

The only reason of this blessing is mentioned later on in verse 17 of chapter 22:

"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."








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